git shortlog -s -n
This command lists commits per user in the current branch. For example.
118 Jennifer Hunt
29 Nicholas Zielinski
19 Kimberly Bell
You can allso add the flags
To include commits from all branches--no-merges
To exluce merge commits--since="22 Aug 2021" --before="01 Sept 2021"
To specify time periodgit log --date=short --pretty=format:%ad | uniq -c
Displays a list of commits per day. For example.
21 2021-12-21
12 2021-12-20
26 2021-12-17
15 2021-12-16
13 2021-12-15
If you would like the list reversed, add the sort command sort
git log --date=short --pretty=format:%ad | sort | uniq -c
13 2021-12-15
15 2021-12-16
26 2021-12-17
12 2021-12-20
21 2021-12-21
To find the first commit in a repo.
git log --reverse -n 1
git log --reverse
To add an empty commit. For example, to trigger a deploy.
git commit --allow-empty -m "Trigger deploy"